Saturday, March 28, 2009

My life

Hey everybody, Mary here. Just letting you know that I'm still alive. I've got a little bit of a cold right now but I'm doing my best to get over it. My job is fun most of the time. If you dont know, I work at a bridal shop here in Provo. The woman who owns it really wants to sell her business. She also has a backdrop business that she wants to sell. If you dont know, backdrops are what people use for receptions to decorate the room they are in. So, if you are interested in buying a bridal shop I would be willing to run the place for you. I really doubt that is a possibility but its worth a try and it would ensure liz and I a job for the rest of our college careers.
I'm doing pretty good in school lately. My grades are better than ever! I'm really happy with what I am doing here in Provo but I am also really excited to move home for the summer. I hope that I will be able to spend time with all of you while I'm there. I will be turning 20 in a little bit too and i'm pretty excited about that. You dont have to get me anything(not that you were going to). All i need from you is your love and best wishes. I miss you all and I love you! I'm gonna try and get some rest now to get over this cold. Bye!


Becky said...

Sorry you're sick Mary! I hope you get better soon. I miss you to and I am REALLY glad that we got to spend some really FUN time together last weekend. I crack up and die every time I think of your Josh impression! I hope I get to see you soon. Love, Becky : )

Ruth said...

Oh hunny! I've been sick this week too. I hope you get better soon! It seems like mine is almost over, so hopefully you will be over yours soon too! It will be so fun to get to see you in the Summer! Take care of yourself! Love you!