Friday, September 12, 2008


Hello everyone! I'd just like to let you all know that I (Liz) have officially reached the epitome of nerd-dom. Yes the picture to the left is the very poster hanging above my bed in my new room.
I think everyone who reads this knows about Dr. Who so I don't think I need to explain about that. However, I'd just like to say that I love having a show that is so satisfying every time I watch it.
I can't wait for the next time I can watch a new adventure and chew my nails down a little more from the anxiety of it all. One thing that makes me sad though, the Doctor is all alone now. I really need to re-watch those last two episodes so I can really understand what happened--and then maybe I'll be a little more satisfied with the Rose-Doctor ending. Anyway, thought I'd let you know that I love this show and I am extremely tempted to get one of those "The Angels Have the Phone Box" t-shirts. LOVE IT!
In other news, I just went to see Prince Caspian--can I get any other opinions on this??--and I was a little disappointed. Not up to par I think. It attempted to have the tone of a serious film with some comedic relief. However, I thought they overdid it on the "relief" and took it clear to hoakiness (I know it's not a word but, you catch my drift). It was difficult to take anything seriously, especially when the first movie had pulled that tone off so well in the first place. It seems to me that they saw what a success Stardust was and tried, unsuccessfully, to follow in it's large foot-steps. In my opinion, you don't ruin a good story with what you think the people want. Nobody knew they really liked pirates until the first Pirates of the Caribbean came out. And no one really knew they didn't want anymore pirates until the second Pirates of the Caribbean came out and ruined that idea, followed closely by the third; which crushed any remaining desire any of us may have had for more pirates.
I guess what I'm saying is that there is no reason to ruin a good thing with sequels when the original was great and there are so many other stories with so much potential out there just waiting-itching-to be made and brought to the bored and desensitized masses. I don't know how I got to that but here I am. Let's get back to the basics please. And no more sequels!
This lovely rant brought to you by, yours truly, Liz (the all-out Doctor Who fanatic!)